Julia Pimsleur is a scaling coach and mindset expert. Pimsleur founded the social venture Million Dollar Women in 2016, which coaches women entrepreneurs to help them get to $1M faster. Pimsleur discovered that fewer than 3% of all women entrepreneurs reach $1M (it’s now 1.7%) and less than 2% of venture capital is invested in female founders. She became passionate about changing those stats.
She is the author of “Million Dollar Women” (2015) and “Go Big Now: 8 Essential Mindset Practices to Overcome Any Obstacle and Reach Your Goals” (March 30, 2021). Pimsleur hosts CEO Check-In (on IG) and the Million Dollar Mind Podcast and created Sales CURE, a method for closing more often and with more integrity.
Prior to Million Dollar Women, Pimsleur was Founder/CEO of Little Pim, the leading language teaching system for young children. During her years as CEO, Pimsleur raised $6M in angel and venture capital and forged partnerships with leading children’s brands like PBS, Leapfrog and Hulu.
She is also an Associate Professor at Parsons/The New School for “Raising Capital” and “Business Models & Entrepreneurial Strategy” and is a former documentary filmmaker.